Work with us

BASP is always looking for people willing to work with dedication and attention to details. Our objective is to welcome in our teams young professionals passionate about embarking in a journey of professional and personal development both at the beginning of their career, with a traineeship, or at a later stage, with a more advanced collaboration.

If you want to become part of the BASP team:
– fill in the form below and upload your CV;
– after having sent your details, you will receive further instructions via email;
– login and you will be albe to read a legal case to be analysed;
– send us your proposed solution of the legal case, uploading a PDF file in the dedicated section;
– we will consider your application, once completed, and will get in touch to communicate you the final outcome.

Job Application (eng)
Trascina qui il tuo file o fai clic per caricarlo Scegli file
Dimensioni massime caricamento: 8.39MB.
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